Intro to Everyday Abolitionist


Today I met with my long-time friend Sara at our favorite coffee shop and we talked about something we never knew we had in common.  We both feel we should DO something to end modern-day slavery, but we aren’t sure what.  As we shared our thoughts and ideas, our thoughts started to turn into action and we have planned a few things even WE can do to fight against human-trafficking.  It was empowering to find someone like-minded.  So much so that we have decided to create this site on WordPress.  We’ve named it Everyday Abolitionist because we are everyday people who identify ourselves as modern-day abolitionists.  We are acting in simple but (hopefully) powerful ways to help the billions of people who have been largely ignored to date.


This is our gathering place where join with each other to make a difference. We want a place to collate all the great resources, organizations, inspirational media and practical ideas for involvement that we are finding out there.  We can bring an end to the evil practice of using humans as possessions — yes, even we.

So if you are wondering what your role is in ending modern slavery we invite you to follow our blog.  We hope that something here will help you find your way to participate.

About nicole5181

I'm thirty (yes I admit it). I'm a single mom working in retail and wanting to find my role in the fight to end modern-day slavery. I'm hopeful that I will.
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5 Responses to Intro to Everyday Abolitionist

  1. janice says:

    nice work nikki, congrats on your blog. you;ll do some great things with it. look forward to reading more.

    • nicole5181 says:

      Thank you Janice. I think of you often as I prepare my blogs. I think about your dream for a women’s center since 80% of trafficked persons are female. I think there’s a connection here. Ya know?

  2. This is something that really touches my heart as well. I have tried to find an organization in the Detroit area…if you hear of anything please let me know! And thanks for starting this blog!

    • nicole5181 says:

      Thanks for commenting Deb! Well I’ve begun to look into it. I know from the U of MI’s Human Trafficking Database that there have been several cases about human slavery originating in the Detroit area that have been tried. (You may find these cases interesting since they happened so close to home. I’ve made a link to it on my Organizations That Make a Difference page.) I tried to search for organizations in Detroit and so far I would like to direct you to the Polaris Project. They have an interactive map of anti-trafficking organizations in America. So far in MI several seem to be Women’s shelters or programs that target underprivileged girls. I am attempting to include a link to their page on Michigan. They mention “Alternatives for Girls” in Detroit.
      Good Luck! I’ll be interested in hearing what ways you find to make an impact on this issue!

      Michigan | Polaris Project | Combating Human Trafficking and Modern-day Slavery.

  3. Pingback: 5 Easy Ways to Fight Human Trafficking | Everyday Abolitionist

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